Abbey Road. Studio 1. Drum Sessions.

I recently fulfilled a lifelong dream to play and record drums in Abbey Road Studio 1.

One of the most legendary live rooms in the world, Abbey Road Studio 1 has been used to capture some of the most iconic performances ever. I’ve been lucky enough to record 3 of my orchestral albums in this room with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. 

It’s universally regarded as one of finest live rooms in the world to record orchestral film scores and has hosted everything from Star Wars to Lord Of The Rings to James Bond. 

Its rarely used for rock drum tracking due to it’s cavernous size. I couldn’t resist using it for just that purpose when the opportunity to do so presented itself recently.

Working alongside my friend and fellow composer Luke Richards (Skyscraper, Transformers, Bourne trilogy) we put together some huge orchestral rock crossover tracks with Strings, Brass, Guitars, Bass and of course huge drums. 

The pictures give a sneak peek into what went down that day and the results will be available to hear shortly via my partners at Audio Network. 
